BA (Hons) Graphic Design
This award-winning and accredited course explores all aspects of graphic design – from branding, editorial design and illustration to interactive design, motion graphics and typography. With a reputation for producing industry-ready, interdisciplinary graduates, students go on to secure roles and build successful careers across the creative sector.
Sarah Lansley
Issy Money-Chappelle
Izzy Willett
Zayd Ahmed
Hannah Crook
Grace Luk Ching Yuen
Vania Campos
Kaan Varis
Maddy Green
Lewis Wilks
Katie Daykin
Isobel Hargrave
Eve Leckey
Ella Mumby
Archie Edwards
Stephanie Parnham
Daisy Buzzel
Olivia Hide
Chloe Freeman
Rebecca Searle
Isabella Crook
Grace Robinson
Jago Cox
Yazmin Holder
Stella Bigg
Vanessa Cinova
Lydia Wehling
Izzy Bowman
Abbie Carter
Elsbeth Hammond
Amanda Allison
Abigail Booth
Ellie White
Nicolas Bell
Chantelle Louise Whittingham
Mateusz Kunc
Ben Power
Saahil Gupta
Nisha Ark
Zac Cracknell
Alex Monk
Isobel Skipper
Alfie Stijelja
Mya Varsani
Caitlin Zidane
So Hoi Nam
Kitty Wellaway
Isabella Workman
Maria Leonor Banha
Jack Bowler
Poppy Picken
Jemima Dixey
Freya Lindsay
Ellie Ruff
Grace Robson
Milly Matthews
Amy Zhai
Jack Rawling
Matilda Von Borries
Melvin Lartey
Finn Thompson
Kirsty Lemm
Ethan Shore
Lizzie Harvey
Charlotte Greig
Finn Mulligan
Erin Joyce Meredith
Kerala Clark
Eliška Kukuliášová
Carmen Leu
Mariana Serra
Filipe Costa
Yas Kinsey
Rebecca Mobbs
Samuel Jay Turton-Fox
Lauren Nevin
Henry Stafford-Bugg
Payten Clarke
Leah Gordon
Trinity Coupland - Smith
Alice Robinson
Mimi Long
Lloyd Wood
Rhea Cooper