Grace Luk Ching Yuen
Hello, I'm Grace, a passionate graphic designer who enjoys exploring various fields, including photography, packaging, branding and marketing strategies. I'm also a lover of ceramics and enjoy experimenting with this medium. One of my projects involved a live brief from Poppins where I was tasked with designing an eco-friendly footwear brand. My idea was to create eco-friendly footwear that targets kids and teenagers, offering rental services to promote sustainability and meet the needs of children's health and growth. The project I enjoyed the most was the Batsford Prize brief themed 'At Peace'. For this project, I designed a cloud-shaped ceramic wind chime and branded it as a gift to share my sense of peacefulness with others. Additionally, I'm committed to incorporating design in both cultural and commercial sectors. I'm excited about the possibility of working with you!
BA (Hons) Graphic Design