BA (Hons) Graphic Design
This award-winning and accredited course explores all aspects of graphic design – from branding, editorial design and illustration to interactive design, motion graphics and typography. With a reputation for producing industry-ready, interdisciplinary graduates, students go on to secure roles and build successful careers across the creative sector.
Mia Aldridge
Isabelle Jonasson
Amber Weller
Ellie Smith
Sadie Goff
Ilona Jones
Anna Elias
Lucy Scott
Kacper Borysiewicz
Amie Clarke
Georgie Proctor
Joe Fane
Dawid Nowak
Abi Taylor
Emily Dickin
Jemma Jackson
Kudzai Kpodo
Hollie Sayers
Luca Selwood
Mia Wall-Palmer
Isabelle Rayner
Halle Jones
Jannah Almasoud
Rubie Milne
Daniel Mckoy
Esmee Fulcher
Evie King
Callum Pates
Eleanor Duckers
Dan Wilkinson
Lu Young