Natasha Bebbington
Hello! I'm Natasha, a born and bred Northerner who somehow ended up studying BA (Hons) Graphic Design at Nottingham Trent University. While studying, I found my attention drawn to editorial, copywriting and typography and I hope to continue developing my skills and work under an open-minded agency that allows me to continue my creative problem-solving and unique approach to topics. Many of my projects stem from my desire to present bigger issues in a unique way and I love to create ideas and respond to briefs in a way that may stray from the "mainstream". I am passionate about creating unusual designs that may initiate a commentary on the issues I discuss and look forward to continuing this in my career going forward. I hope you enjoyed looking at my profile and I'd love to chat if you have any interest in my work, so get in touch!
BA (Hons) Graphic Design