Emily Hollick
I’m Emily Hollick, and I specialise in printed textiles. My collection reflects my interests both personally and within design. 'FEARLESS FLORALS' is a women’s workwear collection that aims to empower women and make a statement that feminine is powerful, by providing women with staple pieces helping them reclaim their femininity at work. Heavily inspired by my trip to Kew Gardens and my dissertation research on women’s work history and power dressing, key focuses for this collection include pattern, bold colour, tropical florals and designs that bring happiness and confidence to the wearer. Throughout my degree I have developed the love for commercial design with live briefs and a winning entry for Burton Menswear in my final year. I enjoy physically producing sketchbook work, creating bold elements and collages that are hand made to then take into photoshop. I have significantly developed throughout my degree and look forward to learning and continuing to grow in the industry.
BA (Hons) Textile Design