Elinor Carter
I’m a creative communicator with a strong commercial awareness and a keen interest in marketing and content creation. My passion for creative storytelling led me to develop the 'Not Ok Zine' project, which sheds light on the negative impact of social media on young women's self-esteem and presents a more realistic view of life. Through this project, I established a platform for young women navigating adulthood, to share their experiences and tell their funny and relatable stories, demonstrating that no one is perfect. My course has equipped me with skills in trend forecasting, visual communication, and graphic design, and challenged me to create captivating work. I am eager to expand my knowledge of the industry and collaborate within creative teams to deliver innovative outcomes. Pursuing a career in marketing and PR is a natural progression for me, as it aligns with my interests and will allow me to continue my creative pursuits.
BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion