BA (H) Fashion Knitwear Design & Knitted Textiles
This renowned course gives students full control over the design and creation of fabrics, garments and products for fashion or interiors. With the option of a year-long work placement and live briefs and competitions, our industry-ready graduates go on to work for brands such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein, DKNY, Hugo Boss and Nike.
Alicia Playll
Pandora Chau Man Kiu
Lily Puddefoot
Jennifer Potter
Isabel Smart
Emma Price
Rebecca Susanto
Eleanor Shaw
Abbi Rainbow
Brooke Christina Skelton
Otto Alexander Smith
Olivia Boyle
Yoko Yuet Sang YEE
Gemma Tyte
Josh Cartmell
Aggie Konior
Zoe Chisholm
Alisia Damianou
Bekah-Joy Kerr
Alice Hague
Luka Lewis
Ella Shiraz Defoe-Faissal
Maddy Hann
Lois Eames
Katie Malyon
Tamsin Hackett
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