Joshua Homer
Initially a Graphic Design student, I felt Illustration was more suited to my skills overall. I am gladly awaiting any upcoming challenges ahead of my art journey. As a kid, due to my twin heritage of English and Thai I found verbal communication to be quite hard, I struggled a lot with reading and writing due to this. Fortunately I was tutored by my Grandmother to help me with my confidence with my reading and writing, which in turn piqued my interest with illustrators such as Beatrix Potter's colourful characters such as 'Peter Rabbit', Michael Bonds curious creation 'Paddington Bear' and Hergé's adventurous 'Tin Tin'. My Grandmother was an artistically creative person that helped me pursue this path. I passionately reminisce about the lessons she taught me in the field at such a young age which I still apply in my work to this day
MA Illustration