Catarina Chapouto
Olá, my name is Catarina and I’m a Portuguese graphic designer based in the UK. While completing my BA in Graphic Design, I've worked as a freelance designer and lead designer at Kabrio Agency. Now a soon-to-be Graphic Communication MA graduate, I’m ready for a new challenge. I have a passion for branding projects encompassing social justice but am equally interested in the surrounding areas of design - such as art direction, brand strategy, and marketing (having successfully completed the NBS Marketing course parallel to my MA). My project, 'The Sick Click', is based on my struggles dealing with chronic pain for the past four years. While pursuing diagnosis and treatment, I noticed a lack of awareness about invisible illnesses and how to best accommodate their challenges – this encouraged me to pursue outcomes which not only raise awareness for the subject but seek to visibly improve the daily life of sick people through the power of community.
MA Graphic Design