Elizabeth Welch
As a visual communicator, I enjoy many aspects of the creative world and industry. I have had experience in many areas but mainly thrive in visuals, whether that be in photography, creating mock ups for spaces or in film. I have been fortunate enough to develop my skill set in all of these areas over the last three years and have chosen a couple of my proudest pieces to showcase. One of my favourite briefs was to create a short advertisement film for a jewellery brand using inspiration from the film 'Call Me By Your Name'. For this brief, I focused on the filming as well as the storyboard and enjoyed piecing together our vision into an outcome I was proud of. I have also taken great pride in the photography I have produced, specifically for my third year outcome based on reconnecting adults with childhood nostalgia using the Teddy Bear as my 'muse'. I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing which road my creativity takes me in the future and I hope you enjoy my work!
BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion