Zara Butt
Critical thinking is something I always bring to anything I pursue in life; this goes for my creative work too. Growing up with a Pakistani Father and a British Mother I was immersed in a world of completely differing cultures where traditions, beliefs and ways of life were very contrasting. This has made me open-minded, accepting, curious. I enjoy carrying this through to my creative work. I don’t have one style I identify with; I like to adapt and take aspects of everything that inspires me and mix it all together. Shakkei is a Japanese concept based on the technique of incorporating a pre-existing landscape and emulating this within the design of a garden in order to enhance its natural beauty. This applies to me! I adapt to my surroundings seamlessly, while making sure my work stands out for the beauty within its purpose. My emotional intelligence is what drives me. I enjoy creating work that has a deeper meaning and purpose. Creativity that can inspire and raise awareness.
BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion