Mirna Aly Aly Mohamed
I am a fine artist with synesthesia who specializes in abstract painting. Painting isn’t enough for me, hence why I expanded this act. I deliver a visual experience of music, depending on the colour notions I see, which led to this new painting concept. My latest artwork was a series of paintings incorporating an individual chaotic vision which is surfaced from my brain called 'Sound-Stroke'. It included line making, gestures, strokes on a large scale of canvas, other contemporary elements on smaller scales of canvas. It was based on the music I hear (continuously listening to a specific genre) and the colours I see, which were translated through mixed media materials on different size of canvas. My mission is to change the current traditional ways of experiencing music by transforming the sounds a painter with synesthesia literally sees, into a permanent tangible asset. Let me, a painter with synesthesia, provide you with an expansion of perspective and an enhancement of the senses.
BA (Hons) Fine Art