Ranran Li
Hi, my name is Ran Ran Li. I'm 21 years old and soon to graduate from Nottingham Trent University. I'm looking for a position as a 2D Visual Development artist and I am always willing to achieve it. I have worked on producing quality concept art and 2D character animations and improving my basic theory and skills of 3D animation. My interest in painting in my childhood and the six-plus years of studying art has helped me clearly understand my career plans and urges me to deepen my knowledge in design. My education experience lays a solid foundation for me to pursue future study in the sector of 2D visual development. I’m a hard working person and open minded as an artist trying to push my skills to the limits - I believe I’m capable of creating my best work every time. I have developed skills in using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Illustrator and Procreate. I have put all my efforts into achieving my objectives and pushing the boundary for learning.
BA (Hons) Animation