Kerstyn Xin Zhao
Hi, My name is Xin Zhao, but most people call me Kerstyn. I’m currently studying for a MA in fashion design. When many subjects need to be chosen, I never hesitate to choose Fashion. I always knew I wanted to be involved in something creative. My project is based on the research and investigation of animism. BJD is my inspiration which is the Abbreviation of "Ball-Jointed Doll " and elaborate and moving figures having spherical joints. I created a story around my doll I use her personification to make us feel the release that nature brings to us. The creations that inspired me from her perspective, were the clothing made for her as her story unfolded. Nowadays, too much pressure makes people lose and forget their child’s simplicity. I hope to bring peace and beauty to everyone through my works, and look forward to this world. I want to create clothing that makes women feel confident and keep childlike. After graduating I would like to establish my own brand.
MA Fashion Design