Joey Wong
When you see me, everyone who studies graphic design will not think that I am a Hong Kong girl studying business. But when you get to know me carefully, you will find that I have a very unusual idea in my brain! As a Hongkonger living in a conservative society, my ideas are clearly out of tune with the public - I really like to explore the bottom line of society and talk about the relationship, body and sex between men and women, not because I am vulgar, but because everyone should be more open and embrace sex! You can see here that most of my designs are biased towards the two-dimensional anime style and the design of points, lines and surfaces. / / / 你看到我本人,不會覺得我是讀平面設計的所有人都只會覺得我是讀商科香港女生。不過當你仔細認識我你就會發現….我個腦的想法非同常人!作為生活在保守社會的香港人,我的想法顯然同大眾格格不入⋯⋯ 我十分喜歡探究社會的底線,大談男女之間的關係、身體和性,不是因為我低俗,是因為我因為大家應該要更為開放和擁抱「性 」! 你在這裏可以看到我我的設計大多數都偏向二次元動漫風格 以及點,線,面的設計. / / 香港人一個,平面設計畢業。 與其睇我自傳不如去我Instagram @Cheuky_852 我同你細說我嘅經歷…
BA (Hons) Graphic Design