India Caprio
Hey I'm India, I have had a interest in fashion for as long as I can remember. I'm bubbly, fun and outgoing. My hobbies include making money and going to the gym. Throughout second year I started to develop my brand. FUNGUY. This project was initially inspired by my love for graffiti art and streetstyle clothing. This project has become a big part of my life and will hopefully continue beyond university. FUNGUY is targeted to menswear but everyone is welcome, FUNGUY should be seen as a outlet not just a clothing company somewhere you can interact with me and other FUNGUYS. I am currently a visual merchandiser for Primark. I LOVE my job. In the future I hope to carry on my FUNGUY brand but would also love to further my knowledge on the marketing and branding side of the fashion world.
BA (Hons) Fashion Knitwear Design & Knitted Textiles