Akshita Jain
Apart from my five senses, I like to believe that I have a sixth sense that is to find beauty in everyday mundane objects. It all started when I started capturing the doors of Old Delhi, something which I am weirdly attracted to. I always wanted to bring my love for India and its architecture to one of my projects and my adaptation of the French Film 'Portrait Of A Lady On Fire' was a passion project and I thoroughly enjoyed conceptualizing it. Though my favourite part of a project is the research that goes behind it and this project and gave me an opportunity to research about the rich history of the sub-continent and contextualize it. Whereas my other project which was an adaptation of the book 'Pan's Labyrinth' was for me to experiment in the genre of fantasy. It was engrossing to design a vertical labyrinth for the story. I have been praised for holding high personal standards with a drive to learn. With my reliable nature and eagerness to adapt, I will be a valuable team member.
BA (Hons) Design for Film and TV